Thursday, December 5, 2013

Allison on point

Allison AirTran… Really having a big impact on this blog, shockingly. This will be her third time on this blog, and all of her outfits have been identical to the outfit being compared to. This leather jacket that Allison is wearing is the EXACT (down to every button and stitch) leather jacket that Tegan and Sara own…kinda weird. She must secretly like Tegan and Sara and follows their fashion. Also, I never realized how often Tegan and Sara wear this jacket…it's literally in every other picture of theirs. Sara even approves of Allison's fashion. (refer to the gif on the left)

And here is a very special picture to get everybody in the holiday spirit. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I am pretty tired as I just finished the 5.5 hour drive from Mammoth Mountain back to Cerritos, but I felt the need to post this ASAP. Tegan and Sara posted a picture onto instagram a while back of them in the snow in Canada with thick black coats that have furry hoods, and I realized that I have a very similar coat, so of course I had to make a post on it. This picture is not perfect, mainly because I had my older cousin take the picture (and no offense most guys aren't that great at taking pictures) and I told him to tell me where to stand and how to stand so that it looked EXACTLY like the picture, and he directed me incorrectly. The picture is VERY similar, but the differences are pretty noticeable such as me leaning in the incorrect direction in the right picture, and standing too far back. BUT…oh well. It's ok. Thanks cousin for the satisfactory picture. Just kidding…it's really good :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

2 in 1!

Today's post is starring Mo-dizzle Foshizzle, who typically dresses very feminine-like, but decided to tomboy-it-up in order to make an appearance on this blog! She is showing off her blue/purple slim pants that both Tegan and Sara have worn many times (I'm too lazy to search up more pictures of Tegan and Sara, so two will have to do (unintended rhyme)).   And in the second set of pictures, Mo is wearing a flannel that is not quite the same "flannel" that Tegan Quin is wearing, but it is pretty darn close (sort of), so I will give it to her.  
P.S. please note 
Mo-dizzle's very model-esque pose in the candid photo on the right, above this writing, and YAY for Mo-dizzle's first appearance!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hey Jude(s)

 Congrats to Miss Judes for her debut on this blog! This is sort of ironic, because Judes was trying very hard to dress like Tegan and Sara the week before, and today she did not think she had any chance of making the blog, but look at where we are now! I think that Judes should drop out of high school and become a model; look at that candid photo of her "blowing bubbles" just like Sara. I'm not really sure what the proper name is for this article of clothing, but I am going to call them net leggings, because that is what they look like. PS I know that these are not the EXACT leggings that Sara has on, but you have to admit they are pretty close, and either way, both styles of these leggings are very fashionable!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Tristan aka Pusha is wearing the same leather jacket as Sara, but is being a very mean butthead and decided to look as if she was angry at me in the picture, when she should be super happy that I chose her for this blog  post when I could have chosen any of the numerous people who have this jacket instead. She even made Sara Quin angry because of her bad attitude, so I agree with Sara, who says that Tristan is SO RUDE.

Clearly, Sara is a lot happier in this picture (she is even doing a little dance), because Tristan is smiling in this picture, even though she looks like she is trying to hold it back. And aaww, look at little Jules in the background. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


If you did not know, Tegan and Sara are twin sisters, so today's post will be a Twin edition special featuring Kaya Kardash (2nd appearance) and Tristan! Kaya Kardash is modeling the green jacket that is very popular in the fashion world of Tegan and Sara, while Tristan is wearing the well-known Tegan and Sara stripey shirt. I was even able to find the stripey shirt and green jacket in ONE picture, so that is why this is a twin edition! Kaya Kardash and Tristan are both twins with Tegan and Sara, so by the transitive property, Kaya and Tristan are twins with each other.
Tegan in the green jacket and Sara in the stripey shirt!



So, this post is not going to be a Tegan and Sara post, sadly, but when I saw that Awesome Possum Allison (that's the nickname she requested) was wearing the EXACT same kimono that 21 Pilots has (one of my favorite bands other than Tegan and Sara), I knew that I would have to post it right away. Apparently this floral kimono can be worn by both genders, as it looks great on both models, but who wore it better? Sidenote: Allison, maybe you should open your eyes next time :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Platform shoes girl

I was sitting at the lunch table by myself today, listening to Tegan and Sara music, and almost jumped out of my seat when I saw this fashionable girl wearing some Tegan platform shoes. I do not know who this girl is, but her fashion stunned me. Like a creeper, I snapped multiple pictures from a distance of her shoes as she speed-walked out of the hutch. I am so surprised that this girl owns these shoes as they are pretty rare, and I had to crop her face out of the picture, just in case she does not want to be shown on this blog due to privacy reasons. P.S. I am sorry for the unorganized pictures, but it is very hard to organize pictures on this blog, and its basically impossible to place them in an orderly fashion, so I just got very annoyed and gave up. Sorry.
from wild fang website

Friday, November 8, 2013

Twinning Couple Edition

Today, we have a special appearance by the most stylish couple at Whitney High. These black shoes, featured on Gabe and Steph are also the shoes used in the "Closer" music video by Tegan and Sara. In this picture, Gabe is rockin' the same (almost same) shoes as Sara Quin, while Steph is workin' the same shoes as Tegan Quin. Now, we just need to get them both to wear those crazy leggings/pants.... 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ash times 2

 WOW. Fat Ash is making a second appearance on this blog 2 days in a row! As you can see, these suede boots/shoes are being worn by both Fat Ash and Sara Quin, but the problem is I am really struggling to find a picture of the shoes. I found a video of Sara where she is wearing them, and a gif, but I cannot find a good picture even though I remember seeing a clear picture of them before. So sorry for the really bad quality...Oh well. 

                 Link to the video:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2 Ashes and 2 Saras. Minus a Tristan

2 pictures of Fat Ash  (hey, you really are not fat at all but that's what Mylan made up and I couldn't think of any other nickname... You are actually REALLY skinny, so sorry about that) rockin the denim jacket and 2 gifs of Sara Quin rockin the same jacket that I found on tumblr. I feel like I am copyrighting these pictures that I find of tegan and sara... but oh well, hopefully no one will see it. PS Tristan please get out... if you want to make it on my blog you need to dress like Tegan or Sara.